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The Ask - Part 4 of 11

This is one of the busier days on the island, with many runners and their families, participants in Halloween celebrations, and many end-of-the-season experiences.


This can make for long lines in restaurants, which can feel stressful in the post-exertion interval, especially alongside the mid-day after early rise hunger pangs that often arise.


As we made our way to one of the most desirable establishments on the island, many were moving in the same direction.


Arrival to the hostess stand revealed a wait time of nearly an hour. Our attempts to leave our name on the wait list were thwarted by a technical difficulty, and that unexpected stall made way for an opportunity.


While we waited for the iPad to cooperate, a staff person approached his colleague with notification of Table 102 departing due to placement of the table outdoors, not their preference for dining on this late October day.


My old instincts would have seen me keep quiet or speak only to my travel partner, noting this opportunity and lamenting the many people on the list standing between us, an open table, and nourishment.


Instead, I simply offered, “we can be Table 102!” and the host glanced up and verified that we were willing to sit outside, which we affirmed, and instead of navigating the clunky wait list, she guided us to our seats.


Now, the fairness alarm did sound, noting that we jumped the queue and others would be in a wait, and simultaneously I noted they would have been waiting equally as long for the original diners of Table 102 to finish a meal, and the restaurant benefited from our readiness, not having to wait the allotted 10-15 minutes for a call back to complete.


Mostly, it was here more evidence of growth. A willingness to speak up, to voice need, be clear on capacity for adaptation, and to accept whatever outcome emerged. We were fully prepared to be on the wait list, and patiently navigated the delayed process with the host.


Stepping through an open door with ownership of right place, time, circumstance, and engaging in the super conscious mind to meet what is available and see the benefit for all, without angst, guilt, hesitation, or fear.


Claiming space is part of the healing process, and one small step, a seat at the table whether it be in the restaurant, board room or beyond, can invite the necessary expansion.


Adding delight to luck, the menu options offered the first foray into French onion soup in my grain free existence, delicious salads and multiple options for French fries.


Domino effect of failed technology made way for human connection, and all manner of opportunity ensued.

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